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(182) Private tutors for lessons, class and homework help near 95119

Find the best 95119 home tutoring providers with great ratings, reviews and qualifications!


Struggling students and music tutor/teacher

I have 10+ years experience of teaching/tutoring. Half of that time at least has been teaching piano and soprano recorder to elementary school age students. The other half has been teaching academic subjects to elementary school age students. I adore children of all ages but my strong suit is the elementary school age. My teaching philosophy is based off of a newspaper article written a while back. For me it is not how smart a child is, it is in what ways is the child smart. Thus it bec... Read more

Teaches 3 subjects


From One Student To Another

I've been a student all my life, and I've got lots more learning to go. In between my own studies, I'd like to help other students with their learning. Today I know my future is in the field of math, but I know that my love of the subject wouldn't have grown into the passion I have now if I hadn't had some help along the way. As I was growing up my friends' parents always called me to help with homework, but in high school I officially started tutoring my peers in math. Through these expe... Read more

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