Instructor of Medical/ Biology/Healthcare/ Sciences
I have worked as an Instructor of Medical Sciences for more than 4 years at Miller-Motte college and Cape Fear Community College in Wilmington, NC. I am an international Medical doctor, and enjoy teaching health sciences as well as some other sciences. I also help students to improve their study skills, and how to prepare for tests. I believe in integrity, trustworthiness, and commitment. I am flexible about tutoring in your house, my house, or in the public library. On the family level, I am...
special needs
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Autism is a disorder of neuro-development that affects the communication and social skills. Autistic children definitely need extra efforts to help them open up to society and achieve better in their school performance. Love to help, patience, and consistency are all important factors for success from the teacher side. There are many resources online to be utilized for autistic children. As an MD who understands the problem better, and as a teacher who helped autistic children before while subbing in schools, I believe I can do very good job.