Fast Track for Health Services Courses, Writing, Research, Thesis...
I have Ph.D. in Health Services, with a specialization in Public Health, Healthcare Administration, Community Health, Public Policy, and Leadership and Management. I have experiences in writing, such as, quantitative, qualitative, and/or mixed methods research study and knowledgeable on how to be approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB). I have a Master's Degree in Nursing also, and I had previous experiences in teaching nursing clinicals at Arizona State University, College of Nursing...
algebra 1
algebra 2
study skills
Ray O. from Queen Creek, AZ
Rhodora is a great tutor. She is very patient and very knowledgeable. I would highly recommend her to anyone who needs tutoring.
Luzanna G. from Minneapolis, MN
I'm prepping for my next NCLEX exam and had been studying on my own and recently with Kaplan. Dr. Rhodora shared strategies during my practice, guiding me through and build confidence. She listens attentively and lets me share stories which is nice to be comfortable. Thank you so much!
Tara B. from Apache Junction, AZ
Left the statistics appointment even more confused about the subject than when I went in. She was not prepared. She actually told me that I should just keep memorizing the answers and hope I never have to take the subject again!
Lupe P. from Chandler Heights, AZ
My daughter needed tutoring in Algebra. I started frantically looking into tutoring services but found that they were relatively very expensive- I wanted my daughter to have the one on one tutoring so that she could feel comfortable and actually learn and benefit from the lessons. Rhodora is very patient, knowledgeable , and has an amazing ability to simplify the difficult formulas of math in a heart beat. She knows what she's doing and actually enjoys teaching. I am very satisfied with her tutoring. She reassures my daughter that she can do anything she sets her mind to, She's empowered my daughter to have confidence and is giving her the tools necessary to succeed! I highly recommend her! She is a fantastic human being.
Tammy D. from Chandler, AZ
Rhodora not only boosted my test scores up a whole grade, but in less than two weeks had me ready for my final exam which I passed with an 80%. Thank you for explaining so clearly, in ways that I could understand. I will be contacting you again when I go back to school for my BSN and Masters.
Carlos Y. from Mesa, AZ
Dr. Rhodora was awesome, she took the time to review my grades in each of the areas of my last NCLEX exam. She gave me ideas on how to study as well as a study plan. I will definitely review my friends and family to spend some time with Dr. Rhodora.