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English Tutor: Reading, writing, and grammar

Initially, I studied at CSU East Bay and majored in Political Science. After work in the field for a few years, I decided to continue my education with a new focus. I graduated with a dual Master's degree in Creative Writing and English from Chapman University in Orange, California. Since then, I have been co-teaching with English instructors at Saddleback College. I have experience working with high school and college age students, but am looking forward to teach younger children if the oppo...

American history






government & politics


SAT reading

SAT writing


ACT Reading

ACT English

political science

Archana G. from Chino, CA

Eric is tutoring my 10th grader English 2 honors. I am glad I was able to get Eric as a tutor for my son. He is able to identify the areas where my Son needs help and they both are working on them. I am very positive that with Eric's guidance, my son will be able to improve his grade and gain his confidence. I will keep posting my review comments for Eric as time progress. So far I am very happy with the tutoring service that Eric is providing.