click tracking


Darrin (theprinceofpixels) professional graphics trainer of 20yr

I have been a trainer for more than twenty years. During my career I have learned that the most important trait a trainer needs is to be a skilled communicator. Every student learns at a different pace or achieves their learning goals through different communication avenues - - digital, auditory, visual, with humor … -- I could go on. For over two decades I have been able to perfect my communication skills as I have traveled the United States and Canada giving public seminars on graphic desig...

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop

general computer


Vicky E. from Andover, MA

Darrin is teaching me how to apply what I know to create graphics. -And teaching me what I don't know. He got it right away, that I needed to learn how to navigate through the software to be able to use my talents and be functioning soon, to get hired in a company to utilize these talents. I think he's great!