I'm a creative and passionate elementary and middle school tutor
I graduated in May with an Elementary Education major and a Middle Level Math minor at Winona State University. I also received my Minnesota teaching license in K-6 and middle school math. I have tutored middle school students in math, taught lessons to sixth graders for 4-H, and been an instructional aide at an after-school daycare. The education program at Winona State prepared me for teaching children with a variety of needs using methods backed by research. After entering the education program at Winona State University I spent many hours in elementary and middle schools teaching whole-class lessons, working with small groups, and teaching/helping one-on-one. My field experience gave me ample opportunity to apply the teaching strategies I learned in the program with a variety of students of different ages and with different needs. Before graduating I completed one semester of student teaching where I spent every day in a fourth grade classroom teaching, co teaching, and aiding my cooperating teacher. Much of my time during student teaching was spent pulling small groups of students, individual students, and planning and delivering whole-class math lessons. Many times the students I worked with required more attention and had higher needs than other students. In April I was hired as a tutor for Tutor Doctor. The sessions were with elementary students conducted in their own homes. I never repeated a lesson with any student. I make it a point to learn students’ previous knowledge, strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles in order to tailor the lesson so that the student recognizes and builds upon strengths and prior knowledge, but also work towards personalized goals aimed at enriching the areas that need improvement. I believe students should be actively participating in the lesson. When pupils are engaged, motivated, and responsible for their learning, they become autonomous learners who are encouraged to practice reflective thinking. The tasks and activities I use in lessons to help your student will be authentic and relate to their everyday lives so they are more likely to retain and recall the new information. While effective teaching practices are key to a successful lesson, I have found the most important aspect of tutoring is to create a good relationship with your student. Knowing your student provides direction for the lessons and an understanding of your student's prior knowledge, interests, strengths, and weaknesses with the purpose of adapting instruction for an individualized approach. Watching a student progress, develop, and learn, as a result of my efforts, is a rewarding experience and an incredible responsibility. I believe with the research-backed methods, student-centered approach, and friendly, supportive environment I implement, I will help your child learn and progress to the best of his or her ability.