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Russian Language tutor

Hello, my name is Oleg. I am a Russian Language tutor. I was born in Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad) Russia. I graduated from High school and College in Russia. Although History is my major, I am an expert in Russian Language (reading, writing, and grammar). In my high school years, I was fascinated by Russian Literature and poetry. Because of my advanced knowledge of rather complicated Russian Language grammar, I was chosen to be a weekend tutor for foreign students in a local Medical Scho...


FREDERICK F. from New York, NY

Oleg is a source of motivation and inspiration!

Maximus C. from Morristown, NJ

Oleg is an enthusiastic and fun tutor for my son, who loves him. He made their learning time together enjoyable and I believe Max is getting more out of it because he is enjoying it.

Alison P. from Warwick, NY

Oleg teaches Russian to my two daughters and does a great job. They were completely new to the Russian language and with Oleg's help they are making rapid progress. He is a patient and fun teacher and I highly recommend him!

Liz D. from San Francisco, CA

How delightful to have his enthusiasm toward his native language and to share it with our son during their tutoring sessions. Highly recommend him!