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Learn English to succeed at what you really want to do!

How can I improve my English? It's a good question and one I have been asked hundreds -- if not thousands -- of times. As you probably know by now, there's no one answer, no "magic bullet", and no app to learn English while you sleep (at least not yet). However, there are many effective strategies and tools for learning Engish. My job is to help you identify and use the ones that will be most effective for you. It's all personal (or if you prefer, personalized) and will change over time -- as...






study skills




Mami S. from San Francisco, CA

Susan is a great tutor. I learn from her in many ways and she explains to me very well when I don't know words and others. Thank you, Susan!

Trang D. from San Francisco, CA

She gave me many good lesson and corrected my grammar.she also helped me to work with pronunciation .She is very nice and patience.

Azamat K. from San Francisco, CA

Susan is the best English tutor I've ever seen. She helps me a lot to prepare for TOEFL Speaking. I highly recommend her for everyone who needs to understand every task of TOEFL Speaking.