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Mature teaching skills coupled with strong motivational help

I have experience in several disciplines, academic and otherwise. Shortly after finishing my undergraduate education with a major in Russian Studies on a socially conscious and active campus, I was a volunteer in a community organization under VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America). I then substitute taught a full range of subjects in the Boston Public Schools. Although my academic studies centered around the Liberal Arts, I also cultivated an intense interest in natural science and engi...


I have studied language in another context. I have a degree in a foreign language (Russian) and speak yet another one (German) fluently. I am now enrolled in a Spanish language class. These studies have given me an appreciation and a broader understanding of how languages are structured and helped me be more precise in my native language--English.



I have studied and am currently studying several languages--I am fluent in two others at this point. I believe this study gives me even a greater appreciation and knowledge of the precision of the English grammar. I would love to share these insights with you!

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Francis Bacon is quoted as saying, "Reading maketh a full man (or woman)." I totally believe that statement, and, as a result, I pursue all interests that I have in the world around us all by reading the works of the authorities on those subjects. I actually read more than what appears on the Web. I take books from the library. I would very much like to share my joy of finding the information we need to live in the world of today and thereby to aid my students in their complete comprehension of the written world.



In order to express yourself effectively in any language, you must have at your command much more than merely a basic vocabulary. English is an immensely rich language with great subtlety. I pride myself not only in possessing and using such knowledge gained through daily use in my writing and speaking, but also in knowing and using references such as the Thesaurus and various synonym websites (of which there are several) to gain access to even a richer vocabulary. In order for this knowledge to have lasting value, it must be used on a daily basis. As a tutor, I will encourage and aid my clients in expanding and exercising their language capabilities through reading and writing drills.


I have long concentrated on both the accuracy and the readability of my written communications. I wrote articles for my college's newspaper. I sharpen presentations in my professional life. And, finally, I write email communications with a keen eye towards effectiveness. I have learned to edit and re-edit what I write until it expresses my thoughts exactly. I believe what my favorite English teacher emphasized, often quoting Francis Bacon--that “writing maketh an exact person.”