Professional Graphic Designer and Graphic Design Educator
I began my Graphic Design studies in 2003 by accident: I took a Photoshop class because it sounded like fun, and the next thing I knew, I had taken all of the courses for a degree in Graphic Design and gotten straight As in every class! Suddenly, I was a graphic designer with awards for poster art and packaging design and my own small business! I live daily in Illustrator and InDesign, and hop back and forth into Photoshop with ease. I love keyboard shortcuts, guides and the zoom tool, an...
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
I was the annoying kid in reading circle that everyone had to wait for, not because I was stumbling and mumbling through my turn, but because I'd already read the whole book while waiting to read my sentence aloud. I wasn't paying attention anymore, I was daydreaming while the other kids stumbled and mumbled through their sentences. Then when it was my turn, I had to scramble and be told where to find my sentence, read it off quick and go back to my daydream. I don't remember not being able to read, and I've had a lifelong love affair with books. I am also a technical writer and published author. I've studied good writing all my life, so I can help you learn to read critically and really get the complexity of the text.
Whether you're writing or speaking, you need words! The more words you have, the stronger your vocabulary is. A larger vocabulary makes for more expressive writing and speaking, and the right word choice can make the difference between saying what you mean, and being misunderstood! I'm a published author, and as such, words are my tools, and I love them! New words are some of my favorite discoveries, and I'm learning new words all the time. Let me help you learn new words, too!
I began writing when I was in middle school. I fell in love with the written word very early, and despite having no examples of writers in my life, somehow I extrapolated the concept of authorship, and hotly pursued it from then on. I actively sought composition and writing classes, learning the mechanics of good writing, and I read everything I could get my hands on, applying what I'd learned to what I was reading to assess it, editing in my head as I went to correct and strengthen text and prose. In this way, I discovered the difference between good writing and weak, good storytelling and GREAT storytelling, and how to improve any writing, because nothing is sacred! Everything could use a good edit!! I have also done years of business writing and have certificates in technical writing from The Society of Technical Communication in San Francisco, CA. I understand the different ways that words go together to communicate, regardless of the format. I can teach you to write, and I can strengthen and broaden your existing skills.
graphic design
To teach proper letter, word and sentence formation, I use rote practice combined with short writing projects that incorporate the learner's interests to keep him or her engaged in the process.