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"Jr high/ High school Math, Elementary, and ADD/ADHD friendly"

I'm a college student with a passion for working with kids. I'm majoring in Psychology but I have a strong math background. I stopped tutoring for a while because of my lack of transportation but now I have a car and more flexibility to get around. I've been a teacher's assistant for Kindergarten, 2nd, and 5th grade. The students I've tutored range from ages 6-18. I'm always punctual and i try to be as flexible as possible for the students so i can be available for "emergency" sessions. This...

algebra 1




elementary math

elementary science


As a student who grew up with ADHD myself and has learned to overcome it and function without medication, I have also worked with students with the same disorder. I understand the patience it takes to tutor these kids and I have a passion for working with kids with ADD/ADHD. I have learned to work with my own disorder and to use that experience to work with these students.