Professor of Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, Yale University Ph.D.
I am a professor of chemistry and organic chemistry at Vanguard University in Costa Mesa, CA, with 14 years of teaching and tutoring experience. I teach general chemistry, organic chemistry, and spectroscopy on campus, and I tutor introductory, AP, general, and organic chemistry part-time from my home. I completed two undergraduate degrees in biology and chemistry at the University of Redlands in Redlands, CA, and I completed my graduate degrees (MS, Ph.D.) at Yale University in New Haven, ...
organic chemistry
Kim B. from Irvine, CA
John is very knowledgeable, accessible, personable, great to work with! Our son had been struggling to finish an on line chemistry class, John was able to review the concepts and help our son not only learn them but really understand them.
Susan M. from Yorba Linda, CA
John was a fantastic tutor for organic chemistry. He taught me all the mechanisms and the theory behind reactions, not just the reagents. His patient style of teaching works really well!
Allie C. from Irvine, CA
Absolutely amazing tutor! Such a sweet guy and is so helpful! He explains everything to me and is always very patient. Finally someone made it make sense to me!
Sophia S. from Irvine, CA
John is an incredible tutor - his patient and calm demeanor makes for a comfortable learning environment and his easy to follow explanations provide a perfect foundation for further knowledge. He sets you up for success by giving you a way to approach problems and understand what each type is asking for. He works out each problem on a whiteboard and talks through each step-it is insanely helpful! It really allows for you to take things slow and understand what is going where. I used John as a tutor for organic chemistry, I'm a student at UC Irvine and I was in my third quarter of ochem. As a professor himself, John was able to answer ANYTHING I asked and related the ochem I had learned in my previous quarters back to what he was explaining. It really helped me to see the connections between information. Tutoring from John is that one-on-one extra office hour you so need with the professor but never get because of all the students. If you need help in chemistry - this is your guy, he is really really amazing.
Michelle T. from Irvine, CA
I highly recommend John as a cooperative tutor to all students who are seeking help and improvement in organic chemistry. He's very knowledgeable and informative regarding his subject.
Karen J. from Irvine, CA
John was invaluable to my daughter through a very tough AP Chem course. He was exceedingly patient and always available. He would even review problems by phone and email for last minute tests and quizzes. John is extremely knowledgeable and patient. He gave her the confidence to succeed in this class!
Nikki Y. from Seal Beach, CA
I came to John for help in Organic Chemistry. He was very knowledgeable about basic and more advanced topics. He explained things in a way that was easy to understand. After he cleared up a few concepts that I was unsure about, he even went ahead in my book and taught me future reactions that I learned later in the course. I highly recommend John as a tutor, he was very helpful.
Sarah F. from Lake Forest, CA
He simplified the concept and broke it down so that it was easy to follow, understand, and apply. It made a huge difference in my understanding of that and helped to understand the concept so well that I was able to explain the same concept to others.
Mostafa S. from Irvine, CA
I chose John randomly from Wyzant database. I needed a crash course in HS chemistry. I wasn't really sure what to expect. Well, it turned out that John is a very gifted teacher, not to mention a PhD in OChem! He is able to convey a difficult and tedious subject in a crystal clear and simple way. Within few classes, he helped me cover weeks’ worth of topics in inorganic chemistry. What helped me make the best of John’s time is to prepare a list of questions prior to the class. Some of the resources that I used explained different topics in a convoluted way. Luckily, John was quick to point out easier ways to understand the issue(s) at hand. I also liked that John’s office is quiet and without distractions. I recommend John without any reservation!
Courtney S. from Orange, CA
Very helpful! I highly recommend him! He knows his stuff! He helped me on short notice! He helped explain some very complicated and tough topics in Organic Chemistry and explained them in a way that was easier to understand!
L B. from Orange, CA
John is a very knowledgable and creative tutor. From the first meeting, he was able to explain and help find ways to understand complex concepts of organic chemistry reactions. He effectively uses his white boards and give suggestions to study the various reactive groupings and organize the information. We are so happy to find a great teacher for our child! We look forward to more sessions with John!