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Spanish for Adults, High School, Middle School, and younger children

Spanish for adults. I will customize the conversational Spanish you need for traveling, work, or pleasure. I am a native Spanish speaker and a high school Spanish teacher. I know how to explain grammar and make learning fun. You will read, write, and speak Spanish in every meeting. We will find everyday examples to learn the vocabulary you need. Spanish for High school/Middle school. I will help you understand all the grammar points your school requires, and we will use other methods and ...

American history

elementary (k-6th)

elementary math


I have taken many English classes in order to understand it, read it and teach it. I understand the grammar and the analytical thinking and I know how frustrating this can be for kids. I enjoy teaching English.






special needs

I have a B.A. in Psychology. I worked for two years in 1 on 1 program with a child with Autism. I worked two years as Resource Specialist Assistant with Los Angeles Unified School District. I have respect, understanding and patience with kids in Special Needs. Kids like me, and accept me as their shadow.

study skills


world history

