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Dedicated and Patient Tutor for Computer Programming and Math

I studied Engineering and Computer Science at UCLA, then worked full-time for Citibank as a Programmer and Designer for over 25 years before becoming an independent contractor. At my job I taught programming classes and mentored new employees. I traveled to several countries to install software and train users, so I have worked with a variety of cultures and personalities. I am patient and strive to see the world from the viewpoint of the student, and I never talk down to anyone. I am ...

algebra 1

algebra 2


I've used ASP.NET on Microsoft's Web Servers quite a bit, especially focusing on (but not limited to) VB.NET.



computer programming

computer science



I have 25 years of programming experience and have some experience with Dreamweaver. I know HTML quite well.

general computer

I am familiar with most programs on PCs and Macs and can tutor from the point of view of a user or of a programmer and designer. Programming languages I have a lot of experience with include HTML, Java, JavaScript, Visual Basic,,, C, C++ and DOS batch files. User training can be on just about any program, since my approach is in the spirit of "teach them how to fish" as opposed to "give them a fish." In other words if you learn to figure out how to use a program, you can apply that knowledge to any program.



Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Word



Visual Basic


Sarah K. from Los Angeles, CA

Though I've only had one 2-hr session with him so far, I can say that Mark is literally the greatest. I'm taking a C++ class at UCLA and only wish I came to him sooner. We went over two weeks of concepts in an hour and practiced for another hour. In addition to the concepts, he showed me a way to set up my HW assignments before starting them, and I assure you that is the only way I will be doing my HW from now on. He also showed me a way to debug my code that instantly shows me what's wrong with my program. Makes you wonder why professors don't teach you that kind of stuff. He even told me what kind of questions are on exams usually and what to look out for. Also, I don't know what it is exactly, but his calmness, patience and words of encouragement really give you the confidence to write code on your own vs. the instilled fear of running into errors. I have all kinds of ideas and projects I wanna do on my own just because I wanna try them out--I wanna see what I can do! Would DEFINITELY recommend Mark. I know I'll be coming back!!

John A. from Los Angeles, CA

Mark was not only exquisitely prepared, he was able to anticipate my questions and was armed with examples to show me how things work. I highly recommend him.

Brian S. from Los Angeles, CA

Mark has a broad understanding of computer programming, an ability to explain things simply, and a relaxed demeanor. He saved me on a Java class final project. I have no doubt that, if I had found him early in the class, I would have never found myself behind the 8 ball. In the future I will call Mark as soon as I feel myself losing traction in any class.

Arsames Q. from Marina Del Rey, CA

Great Tutor! I am a philosophy major but Mark definitely helped fill in the gaps in my knowledge! By nature I tend to ask why for everything and Mark took the time to explain why and how things could be done, showing me usually more than one way of doing something! It was great having him as a tutor and I definitely plan on hiring him for future Java problems! Thank you!!!

Melissa D. from Sherman Oaks, CA

Mark was extremely helpful and provided needed insight regarding areas I found difficult to fully understand. He broke each problem down and explained how and why certain things occurred at each step. Because of Mark I feel certain I will succeed in my upcoming courses. I look forward to working with him again in the future.

Karen K. from Los Angeles, CA

Mark came very well-prepared (with only one day notice). He is knowledgeable on the subject, patient, and was explain to teach the concepts thoroughly. Would highly recommend this tutor.

Gemma B. from Los Angeles, CA

Mark was very patient, and he helped me so much. He worked with me at my level of understanding, and he made sure I understood the concepts. He prepared beforehand, and our session went very smoothly. I would highly recommend Mark.

Jay S. from Santa Monica, CA

I am international student which means that I am not really good at English. Also, C programming is the first computer science class in my life. To sum up, I think I am really tough student to handle. But Mark knows how to handle the student like me. Explains really well, organized teaching style, and also he brought lots of handouts about C programming basic which helps me a lot. Highly recommended if you have no idea about programming but want to get an A on your class or want to study programming with firm basic.

Santos O. from Pacoima, CA

I felt like I was able to grasp more in a two hour session with this tutor than I did in a whole semester in traditional classes. Plus, unlike the professors at school, he took the time to go over the compiler I was using to write my computer programs which was a lot of help. I will definitely continue my sessions and I strongly recommend this tutor.

Kim L. from Los Angeles, CA

Mark is great tutor, he showed great interest in my daughters C++ project. He comes to the lessons very prepared and on time. He has a wealth of knowledge is is very willing to share his experience with my daughter.

Peter C. from Santa Monica, CA

Mark is a great tutor. He is very knowledgeable in programming and computer science topics in general. I was able to understand what he taught me as he reviewed the material and taught me how to do things step by step. Mark is not the type of tutor that will just give you the answers to your homework assignments; he strongly believes in teaching you how to approach and finish a problem as he starts off with simple exercises before moving on to more complicated ones. I feel much more prepared for my class now and he has taken a lot of stress off of my shoulders. In addition to being very educated on the subject matter, he is very friendly and easy to get along with. He is easy to contact (by email or phone) and he will always answer your questions. I highly recommend him, you won't regret your choice!

Adriana C. from Los Angeles, CA

I needed someone to help me with my Java programming assignment. Mark was very knowledgeable and helped explain the material in a way that I could understand. He guided me through my assignment, and I was able to finish it on time. He made programming seem like a piece of cake. Thank you Mark!

Gary R. from Los Angeles, CA

Mark has deep knowledge in Java programming and is a gifted communicator who really cares about his students. He has taken me far in the world of Java programming as I started out knowing virtually nothing and am now programming for fairly complex problems.

Cindy L. from Redondo Beach, CA

Mark and I worked on a project using functions. There were a lot of moving parts to the assignment and Mark was really helpful in breaking it down into easy pieces. Unfortunately we ran out of time and were not able to go through the final element which had a bit of a twist to it but I was able to get the project completed and turned in on time.

Jason L. from Los Angeles, CA

Mark came very well prepared for the session (even only on a day notice). He is very knowledgeable about C++ and programming in general. During our session, he helped me to work through my programming assignment. He was very patient, and helped to explain the parts of the assignment that were confusing to me. Highly recommend Mark to anyone who needs help in computer science.

Fidan C. from Los Angeles, CA

I came into C++ with absolutely no background of the computer programming language and Mark has been helping me beyond what I ever could have expected. I was at the very point of dropping my C++ course and came across Mark on WyzAnt; Mark has transformed my entire view of the C++ class. I enjoy going to class with extra information and understanding concepts before my teacher even brings them up. I no longer look at C++ as a course I need to take but one which brings me joy. Mark is extremely patient and always early to our sessions. He answers each question that I have in depth so I may further understand all the concepts of a particular topic, even the auxiliaries. Our sessions last for three highly productive hours i which we review concepts from our last meeting, he answers any questions I may have come across in my lecture, filling in any ambiguities, works with me step by step in my homework's and projects, and introduces me to new topics so I come prepared to my classes. I am extremely grateful for all the help Mark has been giving me thus far in my C++ experience and plan to seeking his instruction in further, more advanced C++ classes I plan to take later in my academic career.