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QuickBooks Instructor

I have extensive experience with QuickBooks. Since 2003 I have either been employed as a QuickBooks bookkeeper or I have done QuickBooks consulting and training. Recently I designed and taught two courses in QuickBooks. My second class was thirty-six hours at the AA level (Junior College). The average size of my class was twenty-five students. I enjoy teaching and helping businesses use their QuickBooks in smart, efficient ways. I have experience working with QuickBooks versions of: Pro, Pre...


Alicia E. from Los Angeles, CA

Niomi is taking me through the forensics of the history of the previous accounting. She is helping me to set up the infrastructure of the books for clear and concise reporting, a must in the non-profit world, plus she is very zen...

Gary A. from Beverly Hills, CA

We are setting our quickbooks up in a way that will provide integrity and ease. I am excited that tax time will be easy this year and that with a touch of a button, all information will be accurate and complete for our CPA. Thanks Niomi!

Belinda S. from Marina Del Rey, CA

All of my questions were answered and all issues worked through for QuickBooks. Niomi was easy to understand, and very helpful.