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Get ready to succeed, learn Math and Stats the right way!

Are you looking for a patient, knowledgeable, and flexible tutor who is eager to help you succeed and make learning fun? If so, you have come to the right place. As a Southern California native, I have tutored many students in high school and college for over 10 years in numerous subjects including math, statistics, physics, and economics. I have had the opportunity to tutor students from the basic remedial level up through the graduate level. During my 10 plus years of tutoring, I hav...

ACT Math

algebra 1

algebra 2



One of my 2 bachelors degrees in college was in Economics. I have always enjoyed the subject matter and have tutored several students in Economics Principles, Intro to Macroeconomics, and Intermediate Microeconomic Theory. I helped make even challenging topics and problems in those economics classes easy to comprehend, and the students that I tutored got high grades in their Economics classes (mostly A's).




Microsoft Excel

In addition to tutoring students in math, statistics, and finance, I have helped several students learn Excel. I have strong Excel skills, and have gained a lot of experience in past jobs working with many of the useful tools and functions such as pivot tables, basic formulas and functions, graphing tools, and converting spreadsheet forms into table formats. I am patient and willing to teach the desired tools in Excel at a pace that is comfortable for you. Even the more advanced tools in Excel do not have to be difficult with the right explanations and examples.




For multiple quarters as a Teaching Assistant (T.A.), while in my graduate school program, I taught and tutored in Probability courses. I taught lots of Intro to Probability and Statistics courses, as well as upper-division Probability and Statistics and Stochastic Processes courses. I was able to help students of various aptitudes and backgrounds succeed.

SAT math



David M. from Sherman Oaks, CA

Matt is a very professional and patient tutor. I will definitely ask for his help again! In our session, he was especially good at understanding my particular needs in regards to the finance topics covered.

Melissa B. from Inglewood, CA

We went over probability, I didn't understand it when my teacher went over it but the way Matt was patient and the way he explained it I really understood it!

Alex V. from Los Angeles, CA

Very gifted with teaching others and knows the material like the back of his hand. Went from being terrified for my test to being confident and calm.