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High School Math and Science Teacher - former engineer

My name is Curtis. I'm a credentialed Math Teacher, with 3 years of experience teaching math as well as science to mostly high school aged students. I was also an engineer for 3 years. I have many years of experience helping kids make sense out of math and science. I've been an independent tutor for more than 12 years, some of that being at math tutoring centers. I love to teach and get students at many different levels to their "Eureka" moment, when what they've been struggling with is sudd...

ACT Math

ACT Science

algebra 1

algebra 2



elementary math

elementary science


mechanical engineering

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft Word

physical science




SAT math


Lyn F. from Talbott, TN

Curtis was very patient with Andrew and I think he will be able to help him understand while giving him tools that will help as well.