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Spanish tutor interested in/enthusiastic about teaching Spanish

My enthusiasm and passion for Spanish began in middle school and developed throughout my high school and college years. Having immersed myself in the study of Spanish for so long, I now like teaching the subject because I find it fun to decode and recode the words of two languages. I enjoy working with people to help them develop skills. I am amiable, knowledgeable, patient, and can break down the concepts in a way that people can understand and from which they can benefit. Currently, I am...


Teresina W. from Walnut Creek, CA

Evan's tutoring is always well planned. My daughter is struggling in Spanish and Evan has been a great help. He would bring his own teaching materials to help her understand the fundamentals first before jumping right into the existing problem. My daughter is doing better in her Spanish class after just 2 sessions with Evan.

Mandy S. from Danville, CA

My son was happy with Evan's knowledge of the subject and also how Evan explained the grammar to him.