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Passionate, Informative, & Result Oriented

Hello Everybody, My name is Musa, I am a pharmacist by education & a scientist by occupation. I currently work at Polypeptide biopharmaceuticals as a Senior Manufacturing Scientist specialized in synthetic peptide medications. I also teach the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination (FPGEE) exam at University of Southern California (USC) School of Pharmacy. I have been working as a private tutor for nearly a decade, specializing in FPGEE, Biology (Honor, AP, collage level) , Molec...



organic chemistry


Mays E. from Van Nuys, CA

I've attempted to get a contact with many tutors on here but I ended up going with Musa for the simple fact that he has his Degree in pharmacy and I know to be a pharmacist you need to breath chemistry. When we finished our tutoring lesson I was able to demonstrate full understanding of the subject because he made it super easy apposed to the complicated way my teacher would explain it to me! Thank you so much Musa! You will def. be my tutor for Chem 101 and 102 in the future as well!

Yuko L. from South Pasadena, CA

Thank you Musa for breaking down the action of each drug into the simplest way to understand for the exam.