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Professional Chemist

I am a chemist by training and by trade. I use the fundamental concepts of chemistry every day. I also have three years of experience teaching undergraduate chemistry while I was a graduate student at UC Irvine. My style of teaching emphasizes concepts and reasoning. The sciences can be overwhelming if you dive in head first, especially if you intend to memorize everything. But if you focus on a handful of basic concepts, you will be able to solve almost any problem. Furthermore, I kn...

ACT Math

ACT Science

algebra 1

algebra 2








SAT math




Ann M. from Corona Del Mar, CA

Jeffrey is always patient and explains topics so thoroughly. Helps student to understand concepts thoroughly which translates into excellent foundation and test results. Thank you!

Jessica A. from San Diego, CA

Jeffrey was very helpful and I enjoyed how he was outgoing so it was easy to talk to him and ask him all of my questions. He was also very patient and understanding.

Susie H. from Santa Ana, CA

My son is learning a lot from Jeffrey and is feeling confident about geometry for the first time this semester. We are very happy to have found such a great tutor!

Kelly L. from Fountain Valley, CA

When I contacted Jeffrey to tutor my daughter in chemistry she was earning a F in the class - since she started working with Jeffrey - she has earned 2 B+ on her most recent tests and has brought her F up to a C - very pleased.

Michele N. from Cypress, CA

My teen's AP Chem grade has much improved since we've been having Jeffrey tutor. It's been especially helpful to use the syllabus and have him pre-teach the lessons; then the class lessons seem to make more sense and we're a step ahead instead of trying to catch up. When there's nothing new in Chemistry class, Jeffrey has been helpful in tutoring Physics as well! He's quickly responsive to calls and really tries to accommodate schedule needs. Very happy to have him as a resource.

Isabel M. from Huntington Beach, CA

Jeffrey is an exceptional Chemistry tutor. He is an expert in this subject and knows how to teach his students in a way that he/she can really understand it. It is evident by how he teaches and his professionalism that he is an experienced tutor. He comes to the lesson very well prepared with his iPAD in hand, ready to provide his students with the necessary materials to enhance the lesson. He is extremely responsive and flexible, willing to accommodate same day requests without issue. I am so impressed with Jeffrey, I can see why he has been consistently rated as excellent, because he truly is a "superior" tutor.

Christy F. from Huntington Beach, CA

Jeffrey had to do a packed first lesson for my daughter in a limited amount of time and was VERY helpful to her. I will be using him again! Thanks!

Lawrence D. from San Diego, CA

My son liked the fact that Jeffrey explained what he was doing wrong. And that Jeffrey let him struggle. My son enjoyed that part. I would recommend him to anyone. And he showed up promptly at the time requested.

KHALIFA A. from La Mesa, CA

I don't understand the subjects, I thought he'll give me exercises or explain the chapter. It's good that he encouraged me to find the answer in the book. That's good but why do I have a private tutoring if the answer in the book rather then explain to me and teach me like class but 1:1 class.

Charlyn S. from San Diego, CA

He was able to answer all my questions and help me catch up in my inorganic class. He is very patient and makes the material clear and easy to learn. I felt comfortable asking him questions and would recommend him to anyone!