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Personalized & Passionate Writing & Literature (Language Arts)

I have been teaching and mentoring in both the classroom and in private and semi-private settings for over a decade. I am passionate about language arts - writing and literature in particular, and I bring that enthusiasm and love of "words" to my students. I believe in "mentoring" vs. simply "tutoring". As such, I approach each student as an individual with unique interests, abilities, skills and goals. Learning is personalized to meet student needs in such a way that inspires, motivates and ...










elementary (k-6th)

I have been teaching a variety of subjects in the homeschool arena, as well as, in a public charter school for over 11 years. I currently teach math and science to a 4th/5th grade class and art and writing/literature to a 6th grade class.


The language arts are my focus and passion, and I have taught writing and reading (including phonics) to many students. I have been teaching a variety of subjects in a public charter school as well as through the home schooling community for over 11 years. I have privately tutored a number of students in the language arts (including phonics). I currently teach math and science to a 4th/5th grade class and art and writing/literature to a 6th grade class as well as tutor a high school senior in English.

study skills

My five-years-plus experience as a public charter school teacher has incorporated study skills (organization, time management, etc.) in all classes. In addition, I have eleven years experience home schooling my own children as well as teaching groups of students within the home schooling community. Study Skills have always been part of the backbone to all classes/lessons and are foundational to students' future success. I use a variety of resources when teaching Study Skills and base teaching on each student's individual needs and strengths.