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English Tutor in Critical Reading and Writing Skills

With a Bachelor of Arts in English and American Literature and a Master of Arts in English Education, I am passionate about the process of development of students' knowledge, understanding, and love of literature. With a full-time teaching certification for secondary English Language Arts in NY, I have the necessary experience and credentials to provide the best possible English tutoring that secondary school students require. My teaching method is carefully tailored to each specific student...

elementary math

I have previous experience working with elementary school students in a tutoring capacity in many subjects, including math. This comprised helping with homework and also teaching supplementary material. From this experience I also have an understanding of how to establish a rapport and a trusting relationship with younger students.






SAT reading

I myself took SAT training courses and studied extensively on my own before taking the SAT a single time to achieve the score I wanted. Utilizing my knowledge, I achieved a high score on my junior year PSAT as well, and was a National Merit finalist. The SAT Reading section is trickier than other reading tests because there is a different format and style to the way CollegeBoard creates its questions; I have many best practices and much foundational knowledge to share that will help a student earn the best score possible in this section.

SAT writing

I have many best practices and much foundational knowledge that will help a student preparing for the essay-writing portion that is very important to the overall scoring.


I have worked on projects that necessitated ample and accurate spelling.


I have experience learning languages, as I am trilingual, and can share best practices when it comes to acquiring secondary language skills and knowledge. Furthermore, having held a part-time job in a Graduate Admissions Office, I have experience with TOEFL test-taking students.


I am a university student with ample and accurate usage of vocabulary.
