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English, Writing, Reading, Math, Science, Photography, Video, Computer

In your personal life, you are known for the company you keep. In your professional life, you are known for the company that keeps you. Over a career spanning fifteen years, I have worked with several multinationals and risen rapidly through the ranks to become one of the youngest Creative Directors in Ogilvy Advertising and later Vice President, Development and Marketing, at Vinod Chopra Films. Across all the positions and ranks I have held over this period, my contribution has largely sh...

ACT English

ACT Math

ACT Reading

Adobe Lightroom

Adobe Photoshop

desktop publishing


elementary math

elementary science




general computer



Microsoft Word




SAT reading



video production


web design


Bernard K. from Vista, CA

I have far too much education for my days on Earth. Teaching, in my opinion, is an art form. Some have it and most do not. For me, it has always been about the professor’s ability to communicate, intellect, patience, demeanor, and (most important) listen and reply to questions (regardless of how basic the issue may be). Thomas has all the attributes and characteristics of a great teacher. I am quite pleased and we are moving along with my lessons. I look forward to our next one.

AL S. from San Diego, CA

They say that "those that can't teach", but this is not the case with Thomas. Thomas is accomplished in his field and I was surprised and honored that he would spend the time with the casual student and pass on the knowledge of his trade. I plan to return to Thomas for more lessons in the short term, and can see myself returning in the long term.