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Learn French in quick and easy steps- Test prep AP/SAT/DELF/CSET

Salut tout le monde! My name is Layla and I love ice cream! Et Voilà!! ;)) I can tell you I studied Economics, French literature and Child Development. But these facts won't show you my love for teaching, my devotion for my students, my pride for sharing my knowledge with them and the hours I spend reading and writing French. Do you want to know more about me? Ok, I lived in France and just moved to San Diego. I have been a teacher and a French tutor for 20+ years (I don’t count the years ...


Claus F. from San Diego, CA

She is very patient and has a sense of humor. That's all I have to say after just one lesson.

Jaime M. from San Diego, CA

My dream is to study in Paris but with basic French, I need to improve. Layla recognized my level of french very quickly and is doing a great job at focusing on the things that I need to improve on. She explains things very well, lessons are fun, and she is very patient! Two thumbs up.