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Math, Statistics, SAT~ACT~SSAT Tutor -- very patient and effective

Hello! I have been a professional tutor since 2003, specializing in math (pre-algebra through AP calculus), AP statistics, and standardized test preparation. I am very effective in helping students to not just get a better grade, but to really understand the subject matter and the reasons why things work the way they do. I do this in a way that is positive, supportive, and also fun. I explain difficult math and science concepts in simple English, and continue working with students until they ...

ACT Math

ACT Science

algebra 1

algebra 2





SAT math




Nicholas J. from Belvedere Tiburon, CA

I highly recommend Vladimir as a Math tutor because of his ability to slow down and make it clear what is being covered in class. He will take you to the next letter grade and then help you to truly understand what you are learning. He has a methodical math approach and a vast knowledge of mathematics that makes him a valuable resource. I have spent numerous hours working with him to get an A in calculus, he has helped me learn everything and unlike most students feel I can use what I'm learning better and more effectively. I don't recommend cramming for math test but if you work with him regularly he will help you truly understand the subject you are struggling in. If Its worth knowing its worth knowing well, he can help you find your mistakes and then has experience in correcting them so you don't make them on test. He's also a very nice man, who is very level headed and if you just cant get it will keep working until he feels he has made it clear to you, a valuable tool in learning something most teacher never do in class or in there offices hours. All in all I recommend him to any student at any level trying to get a better grade, while actually learning more, and even becoming interested in something many call a boring subject.

Debra O. from San Francisco, CA

We have worked with Vlad for about 2 years and have been very happy. My son is currently in pre-calc at Lowell and Vlad has helped him stay focused and on track. He always arrives on time, is flexible, and has been kind enough to reschedule for emergency review sessions before big tests. Vlad is a professional tutor and takes his job seriously. He probably is not perfect for under 8 or 9 year olds, but for early to late teens who want to master difficult upper level math and prepare for the SAT, he is excellent.

Ida I. from Millbrae, CA

My child began tutoring with Vladimir this summer. She has really taken to him due to his knowledge in math. He understand the subject very well and also gets it when my daughter is completely lost. He makes sure she not only gets the right answer, but really understand how to get the answer. He is always on time and is always in a very good mood. I look forward to our continued relationship with him. I would recommend him to anyone needing a math tutor.

Marc B. from San Francisco, CA

Vladimir is a great calculus tutor. He is very patient even after tutoring me for several hours straight. He explains each concept such as Riemann sums, integrals, and limits and then shows examples to help me understand. Vladimir not only shows how to do the problems I don't understand but also goes through them with me so that I know how to do them on my own.

Constance L. from San Francisco, CA

My son has only been working with Vladimir (Algebra 1) for about 5 weeks now and already his math skills have improved dramatically! While my son understood the concepts of algebra, he was rushing and not taking the time to problem solve correctly. Vladimir is teaching him how to be patient, slow down and concentrate. Vladimir is such a good fit. His test scores have gone up 2 letter grades and his attention in his class has gone from distracted to engaged because of the skills he is learning and the success he is having in the class.

Lora G. from San Francisco, CA

If you're looking for a patient tutor for stats, which is my most dreaded of all subjects, Vlad is very patient. The class got more complicated towards the end and I couldn't afford more tutoring sessions, so I ended up with a B overall. I wish I had an A, but I'm just glad it's over. I recommend Vlad for anyone who hates Stats as much as I do, and who needs more explanation than the professor has time for. I only wish he was a little more affordable, I would've possibly spent more time towards the end.

Cordia F. from San Francisco, CA

Vladimir has worked with my son for a little less than 6 months. He is very patient and his schedule is very flexible. Vladimir has helped him achieve more than what he thought he would of this year. Before my son had tutoring sessions with Vladimir, he was barely passing my tests, and now he has a high A in my AP Stats class. Vladimir has well prepare for my son AP test, and he expect to get a 5 on it. Vladimir, is an excellent tutor, and I would highly recommend him to anybody.

Denise Y. from San Francisco, CA

My son needed someone to teach him math. His teacher at school would not explain things and it was snowballing. Vladimir was able to break things down in pieces and explain it in detail. My son was able to regain the confidence and able to understand the subject. We appreciated his professionalism and approach. I highly recommend him as a tutor.

Kaila H. from San Francisco, CA

I came to find Vladimir on WyzAnt, in April 2013. I am a Junior at University of San Francisco, and enrolled in a college statistics course. I have several learning differences, one of them being dyslexia, which in my case only applies to numbers. It is extremely hard, if not impossible for me to comprehend even simple mathematical arithmetic. Over the years of struggle with math, tutors have given up, or become extremely frustrated with me because I do not get the material in a timely manner. To say that Vladimir is a life-saver, is an understatement! He is the most amazing math tutor I have ever had! Not only did I see him five times a week (sometimes more) in order to pass statistics, he talked me through my anxiety, and calmed me down countless times when I felt stressed. He genuinely cares about his students, and works very hard to explain confusing concepts. He is undoubtedly one of the most patient people on the planet! There is no doubt in my mind I would have failed the class if it were not for Vladimir. I plan on going to graduate school in the bay area, and I will not hesitate to contact Vladimir in the future. Because of my major, I will be required to take a statistics course again. I know, and trust Vladimir will help me out when that time comes again. I am so grateful that I not only passed statistics with a good grade, but I also understand the material!! Thank you so much, Vladimir!!!

Chatty C. from San Francisco, CA

Our family hired Vladimir specifically to help our daughter raise her score in the ACT Math and Science. She reports that Vladimir is very helpful, focused and has offered a lot of clarity with her specific problem areas. We are delighted with Vladimir - so professional, prompt and helpful.

Meredith T. from San Francisco, CA

I emailed Vladimir as the end of my statistics course was fast approaching. He explained things in a way that made statistics easy to understand. I had saved 3 months of work for the last 3 weeks of class. Thanks to Vladimir, I got 100% on all my homework, 100% on the midterm, and an A on the final!! He was able to work with my schedule and squeeze in extra appointments at the last minute. There is no doubt in my mind that I got an A in the class because of his help. If I ever need help with math again, I am calling him! Thank you!

Amy A. from Alameda, CA

My son was at risk of failing statistics, with the final a week and half away. Vladimir responded promptly to my urgent inquiry, and emailed us questions to help identify how to come best prepared to dig in quickly to provide the specific help my son would need. He arrived promptly each session and worked with my son over a series of three sessions. My son said, "He was helpful, and he was able to explain the statistics material really well, in a way that I had not previously been able to understand during the class. He went through the chapters and went over what I did not understood and patiently explained to me what to do and when. He also went over with me what situation called for what type of calculator application so that it made sense and I had it all written down in one place." I really appreciated that after each session, my son was feeling more confident in himself and his ability to grasp the material. I definitely highly recommend Vladimir and wrote him right away to let him know that my son had passed the final with flying colors.

Irene C. from San Francisco, CA

Vladimir is an outstanding tutor for statistics! He can explain difficult concepts in several ways and he meets the student at the student's level.

Yohan W. from San Francisco, CA

You really helped me have a clearer and deeper understanding of how to approach solving math problems, understanding the proposed problems, specific terminology, the rules, strategies, and dynamics of math. I really enjoyed learning from you! Everything you taught as precise and you’re a absolutely intelligent, deep-thinking, and ingenious at understand complex subjects along with communicating complex theories/ideas in layman terms! I highly recommend Vladimir!

Mark G. from San Francisco, CA

Vladimir is a fantastic tutor. Clear, articulate, and extremely patient and helpful. He's an expert in statistics and also pre-calculus/algebra. I really enjoyed working with him and would recommend him to any student.

George A. from Burlingame, CA

Wow! I worked as a tutor in the 1990s, and I've hired a good number over the years. I've never come across someone with such a winning blend of technical strengths and infectious optimism. We asked the impossible from Vladimir: trying to get a dispirited teen back on track after a month of chaos and F-level performance in AP Stats. Was there any hope of recovery? Vladimir got to work. He made everything logical and clear. He set high expectations. He knew when to be encouraging and when to insist on more careful work. Our son began looking forward to each Sunday's tutoring session. Grades began to perk up in a most incredible way. Most important, the joy of learning came back into the picture. We didn't just get a better statistics student in the process. We got a son who was ready to "work through the hard stuff," applying the lessons from this class to lots of other life challenges. Vladimir's rates aren't low. But a steady series of lessons with him represents one of the best bargains in all of WyzAnt.

Allegra D. from San Francisco, CA

I needed a last minute tutor to help me prepare for my final in Intermediate Algebra. After hearing from Vladimir, (I originally contacted a different tutor that had a lower rate) I mentioned my budget wouldn't allow for his hourly rate even though he sounded like a great tutor who would work well with me. Vladimir so kindly lowered his rate so I could receive the help I so desperately needed! (Being that I would only need him for a week.) Vladimir made room in his schedule to accommodate my available days and times. Vladimir is very patient, well spoken, teaches at a very reasonable pace, and shows that he truly wants you to leave your session with a full understanding of what was originally confusing. Throughout my life, math has been a subject that has never come easily to me. Vladimir is one of the few people who has made me feel more confident about practicing my math skills! He set up problems in a way that I could understand with my own personal learning style. I will definitely use Vladimir in the future!

Ali A. from San Francisco, CA

Wow I don't even know where to start. This man right here helped me A LOT! To begin with, I am terrible at math, and I failed my Algebra II course in my second semester. Since I am a business major, I needed to pass Algebra I and II to continue at my University. I went back to my home country for my summer and later on found out that I failed my Algebra II course and from that day you can say that I felt like my summer break ended. I spent the first week and a half with a tutor but later on traveled back to America to re take my summer courses and one of them was my Algebra II course. I spent one week with a tutor who didn't help me that much and I felt like I lost hope. I opened WyzAnt and found Vladimir and hoped he would help me. I was at chapter 5 section 4 and there were a total of 12 chapters and each chapter has an average of 6 or 7 sections. I met Vladimir and in the span of 3 weeks I managed to finish all the chapters and chapter quizzes and chapters tests (each section has a quiz and each chapter has a chapter test) Vladimir taught me many things and knew that I am sometimes became inpatient and gave me tips on how to over come that by reminding me to take big breaths if I am stuck on something and told me to always eat breakfast so that my brain would work better and so I kept on doing that. I had zero confidence of myself about taking my final exam and I was very scared because If I failed I would have to go back to my home country, have my scholarship taken away from me, and my family would get mad at me because I never told them I failed Algebra II but he increased my confidence and I went in to the final exam which was online and proctored and managed to get a 72%! I don't think I would've done it without Vladimir. He is a great tutor, respectful, funny and a jokester too! I would definitely recommend him and his price is REASONABLE trust me! Thanks for all the help you've done for me Vladimir! I would rate him a 5/5!

MAY M. from Daly City, CA

Vladimir is an extremely patient and organized tutor! I had SAT Maths lessons with him, and due to the fact that I am taking it as a non-high school student, my SAT math skills have been mostly forgotten. Vladimir is an expert on the material that he is teaching and he was able to explain the concepts very clearly to me, every single lesson. He is also a very organized tutor, and always takes notes of the student's performance after and during every session, I think he tracks the students improvement that way! We went through the SAT Math test papers, at least one each 1 hour sessions, and he was able to patiently explain every single questions that I got wrong. My scores improved after every single lesson, I went from the mid 600s to mid 700s, and kept up with it. Overall I am extremely satisfied with my improvement that I achieved while working with Vladimir and I am very confident that my scores in the real SAT test that I am taking very soon would reflect the improvements.

FATIAMH B. from San Francisco, CA

It was great lesson. He understood exactly what I need and what I want. Sure I am going to take extra lessones with him.

Brenda I. from Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Vladimir help me dissect a difficult calculus concept that was completely alien to me. He didn't get frustrated when I forgot basic 4th grade algebra rules and instead took his time in clearly explaining them to me. Not only does he teach you calc but also where the concepts come from and why you even use them! You aren't just learning formulas that you forget after your test. Best tutor I've had!

Jason M. from San Francisco, CA

Vladimir is an outstanding tutor. I was returning to school after not having touched math at this level in over a decade. Vladimir was patient with me and helped me understand concepts I wasn't getting in class. His rate isn't the cheapest, but having worked with him, it's certainly well justified. I really understood the material and cut down my rate of silly mental mistakes. I ended up getting an A in my class and know I would not have been able to do that without Vladimir's help.

Marina R. from South San Francisco, CA

I had to take a very intense, advanced on-line Probability and Statistics' class which required me to find a tutor for assistance. Math was always challenging for me and I struggled with it. Vlad is an excellent tutor. He helped me understand difficult concepts, use technology, problem-solve step-by-step, and prepare for some very difficult tests. He was very patient. The results were amazing: I got an A in the class! For some of you in a similar situation of completing a class at a college level similar to this one, Vlad is the man to see for help! I would highly recommend him.

Brian F. from San Francisco, CA

Vladimir has worked with my son for a little less than 6 months. He is very patient and his schedule is very flexible. Vladimir has helped him achieve more than what he thought he would of this year. Before my son had tutoring sessions with Vladimir, he was barely passing my tests, and now he has a high A in my AP Stats class. Vladimir has well prepare for my son AP test, and he expect to get a 5 on it. Vladimir, is an excellent tutor, and I would highly recommend him to anybody.

Patricia A. from Burlingame, CA

Vladimir helped me prepare for the Math II exam. We met 5 times to go over practice tests and work through problems. He helped me develop test skills including how to maximize my calculator's capabilities during the exam as well as strategies for dealing with test anxiety. He pinpointed my tendency to go too fast in my head and encouraged me to write everything down. He definitely helped me prepare well for the exam!

Kim N. from San Francisco, CA

My son (8th grade) has been working with Vladimir for a couple of weeks now on algebra 1. Immediately, Vladimir was able to assess that he lacked some fundamental skills which are required in order to be successful in algebra. To me, that is truly the sign of a great tutor. His focus was not only on the subject I asked him to work on, but he looked at the student as a whole and assessed needs and gaps. Vladimir's tutoring/teaching style is encouraging and supportive. He passes no judgment, which, I imagine, is very much welcomed by a student who is struggling. He checks for understanding and provides tips and tools for test-taking and memory recall. We will be scheduling weekly tutoring sessions with Vladimir. I highly recommend him as a tutor.

John M. from San Francisco, CA

We just received the results after 6 lessons with Vladimir. He helped increase our daughter's ACT math score from 21 to 26! He has a wonderful combination of patience, insight and ability to zero in on where the problem areas are. Combined with such a pleasant personality, I can't believe we hit gold with the first person we ever contacted for math tutoring. Vladimir has been such a great partner in our daughter's education.

Clayton R. from San Francisco, CA

Vladimir has helped me further my understanding of important Calculus concepts that I have been struggling with in school in my AP Calculus AB class. He takes the time make sure I comprehend each method and step of the process, and he is adamant that I take no undisciplined, lazy shortcuts because those are what usually lead to my mistakes. He is very well qualified, patient Calculus tutor

Jasmin M. from Belvedere Tiburon, CA

Vladimir is not only an incredible tutor with years of experience, he also works with the students to recognize the root causes of their struggles with a lesson and helps them build a strong foundation from bottom up. Thank you Vladimir!