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Dedicated teaching professional

Hi! I currently teach 11th grade English, language arts, and creative writing at a private school catering to kids who are gifted, but have a range of learning disabilities including Aspergers, high functioning autism, ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, and, dysgraphia. My experience in this type of learning environment has helped me tailor curriculum and assessment to meet a vast array of challenges, especially with reading comprehension and writing. My previous teaching experience (20 years) was at t...


I currently teach at a school that specializes in kids with ADD/ADHD. Over the past six years I have attended conferences, been part of professional development seminars, and worked with Ed. therapists and school psychologists, to better understand the impact of this type disorder on the learning process.







SAT reading

study skills



Denise H. from Glendale, CA

Irwin teaches creative writing and English to teens with ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder and he understands how to work with my son, who struggles with abstract SAT-style essays. He's also funny and personable. We've had two lessons now and my son has completed a structured 2 page essay that makes logical points and reads coherently, which is a giant improvement to his past work. I especially liked that Irwin used an art metaphor with my artist son and compared essay writing to painting. First you outline, then you sketch the main points, then you fill in. My son could relate to that. Irwin is also a fan of sci-fi and that is my son's fave genre so Irwin showed him how to incorporate themes he likes into essays to make his points.

Wes O. from North Hollywood, CA

Mr. S. was very quick responding to our inquiry and setting up a meeting with us to make sure we had a good fit personality wise. Already impressed with his credentials and experience, we all knew after meeting that we had found the right tutor. Both of our boys are gifted, but were having difficulty with writing and our younger one with reading also. Mr. S. created a customized approach for both which is suited to their specific strengths and weaknesses. We are especially excited that our youngest may now be able to work through his reading and writing difficulties which are holding him back academically. Mr. S. is easy going with a smiling, calm face and demeanor, and at the same time is strong and smart and keeps our boys on task. He is a fantastic communicator, and a great role model and tutor for our boys. We appreciate our great fortune in connecting with him through WyzAnt!