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I'm passionate math/foreign language tutor. (3yr of exp.)

My name is Robin and I am a senior at High School. I had been tutoring math, science, and foreign language (Korean and Japanese) at school for three years and math competition at community center for three years. I love teaching math because it is my favorite subject and I was always have passion for learning math. My students, who I thought at school, always showed hard work with good results. I never miss an A on every single my math class. Furthermore, I already took pre-algebra, advanced algebra 1, honor geometry, honor algebra 2, honor pre-calculus, and AP calculus AB. Furthermore, I can speak Japanese and Korean. I learned Japanese since freshmen year and take AP Japanese in my junior year. I got 5 on my AP score and currently I'm in Japanese 5(which is highest level in high school Japanese). I lived in Korea for more than 8 years and have a experience of tutoring Korean.

algebra 1

algebra 2






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