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Former Cal Sate Dominguez Hills Teacher for over fifteen years

I am a former Cal State Dominguez Hills adjunct faculty member who has taught corporate finance, financial institution management, accounting, cost accounting and international business courses for more than fifteen years. I know the common misconceptions held by many students. To counter these misconceptions I have developed several analogies that help students understand underlying financial principles. I use sports, sailing, history and aviation principles to reinforce my teaching. Diagram...


I am a former Cal State Dominguez Hills adjunct faculty member who has taught corporate finance, financial institution management, accounting, cost accounting and international business courses for more than fifteen years. I know the common misconceptions held by many students. To counter these misconceptions I have developed several analogies that help students understand underlying financial principles. I use sports, sailing, history and aviation principles to reinforce my teaching. Diagrams and graphics are major reinforcement tools.



Managerial Accounting

Financial Accounting

Nicole H. from Colorado Springs, CO

I had one lesson with Jack for an upper level college Finance problem. Jack was very nice and seemed very knowledgeable but sadly got the entire Finance problem wrong and took a very complicated approach to the problem.