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Certified Math Teacher with Statistics Masters

I am a current certified high school math teacher with 13 years of teaching experience. I am also an adjunct professor at a local community college. I have a BS in Mathematics with a Secondary Education Emphasis from the University of Northern Colorado and an MS in Statistics from Texas A&M. My subjects with a lot of experience are Statistics/Probability, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-calculus, and Trigonometry, but I also tutor in Prealgebra, as well as Microsoft Word, Excel, and P...

algebra 1

algebra 2


Microsoft Excel

As part of my training to become a teacher, I took 2 college courses on Microsoft Office products. I use Microsoft Excel regularly in my job as a high school teacher to process student data and track growth. I've also used excel as a tool while receiving my master's degree in statistics.

Microsoft PowerPoint

As part of my training to become a teacher, I took 2 college courses on Microsoft Office products. I use Microsoft PowerPoint regularly in my job as a high school teacher to present lessons to the students to help my more visual learners. I've also used PowerPoint as a presentation tool while receiving my master's degree in statistics, as well as a way to impart training to fellow co-workers.

Microsoft Word

As part of my training to become a teacher, I took 2 college courses on Microsoft Office products. I use Microsoft Word regularly in my job as a high school teacher to create worksheets for my students to use when suitable ones are not available. I've also used word as a way to create useful training materials for co-workers.


I am a high school math teacher with a Master's degree and 12 years teaching experience. I have taught pre-algebra courses for 3 years and have run interventions for students who skills are not fully developed. I have also been heavily involved in developing the curriculum maps that are currently being taught in my district in this subject.



