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All Elementary Subjects, Special Needs

I always knew I would grow up to become a teacher. My passion to help others, along with my skills to be patient and discover multiple ways to explain things made it an obvious profession for me. I enjoy working with others and gain satisfaction from knowing I helped someone. I prefer to work with elementary age, due to my experience working with them but I enjoy working with all ages. I worked with Special Needs students at an elementary school for two years and within the two years I fou...


I am currently in school to become an Elementary school teacher and have student taught for 6 months, I taught all subject areas in a second grade classroom. I have also worked in small groups and one on one teaching all subjects with special needs students as a para for two years. Three of my special needs students had Autism and I spent a large part of my day with them and learned many techniques on how to keep their attention and keep them calm.

elementary (k-6th)

elementary math

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)