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Chemistry Tutor for high school, college and graduate school

I want to help you pass your chemistry courses and will work with you on ways to remember material as well as practice. I am available to my students by email, text, and phone calls to answer questions between tutoring sessions at no additional cost. I have my PhD. in inorganic chemistry from the University of Texas at Arlington and my B.S. in chemistry from Iowa State University. I tutor high school chemistry, college general chemistry and major-specific general chemistry, instrumental...


I took this class in 7th grade and have taken math all through college

physical science

organic chemistry

algebra 1

Have taken math through college, this is basic math for me. I can teach people from 6th grade through college.

algebra 2

I took the course in 8th grade and have taken math up to differential equations. I can tutor people from 6th grade to college.


Microsoft Excel


I took this course in high school and received an A. I have learned many applications for this subject since and have taken math through college going as far as differential equations. I can tutor anyone taking this class.

Microsoft Word