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Looking to help kids with their learning

I have worked within the school setting for the last 10 years. I have worked as a reading/math tutor, a special ed para and as a regular ed para. I have worked with children of various ages. I love my job, I love encouraging children to try their best and help them find their love of learning. I have worked with special ed children assisting them in elementary leveled math. I feel this gives me the patience and knowledge to assist all children. I have worked with special ed childr...


I have worked with children with add/ahd for a number of years. I am currently working within the school setting with a child that has ahd, therefore I understand the process of dealing with them. I understand and have successfully used various methods of re-focusing and calming strategies to assist them in being successful. I have utilized Accommodations to help make learning easier. I believe in intervention to head off behaviors that disrupt concentration.


I have worked with children with autism for years. I understand their difficulty in learning within the normal classroom setting. I believe theses few things help to assist autistic children to become successful within learning , keep to a routine, use preparatory commands and limit transitions. It is important to limit the amount of information given at one time, give sensory breaks, use refocusing techniques and most importantly have patience.

elementary (k-6th)

elementary math



special needs


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)