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PPA Photographic Craftsman

I am Mike, Cr.Photog (Photographic Craftsman) and have been working as a professional photographer for over 40 years and believe in the hands on approach method to learning anything including photography and PhotoShop. For the past 26 years I have been teaching both a basic and an intermediate photography class at various Adult and Continuing Education programs including Waterbury CT and Berlin CT. I have been recognized for the work I do with several organizations. I am one of the foundi...

Adobe Photoshop

Jon P. from Oakville, CT

Number one, he listens. I had specific things I wanted to get done, and he heard them. We covered them to my satisfaction. Number 2. My computer had some shortcomings but he was flexible and computer capable enough to work around those issues. The man is an expert in the field, I will take a few weeks to develop what he taught me. I imagine there is a lifetime there of skills to learn. Thank you. Second lesson was as good as the first, so it wasn't beginners luck. He stayed right on target answering the questions I had formulated from info used in out first session.