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Competent and Passionate Teacher Providing a Path to Knowledge

Welcome to my page! My name is Natalia. I am an American citizen originally from Russia. My educational background consists of a BA in Russian Language and Literature and an MA in Philology/ Linguistics. After teaching Russian Literature, I was a political journalist in Russia for 13 years. I was a reporter in a variety of settings, including the State Duma--the Russian equivalent of U.S. Congress. For the past ten years, my love for the Russian language has found its home in teaching and...





Jayne E. from Fort Lauderdale, FL

Natalia's joyful personality and genuine enthusiasm are the key to her tutoring success. Although each lesson is well planned and presented, she is always willing to follow my desire to explore additional areas of study, skip exercises or sections I find over-repetitive or unnecessary, and create new conversation topics and patterns. I am anticipating more each week my upcoming trip to Russia, and am confident I will be able to maximize the experience through a growing familiarity with the language, and Natalia's willingness to share her experiences and insight into the Russian land, people, and culture.