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Mariano J. Native Spanish Teacher

I was born in Madrid (Spain), where I lived for forty-eight years. I attended the "La Salle-Maravillas School" in Madrid (Spain) where I excelled in dead languages (Latin and Greek). Immediately afterward, I got a Law Degree from the Universidad Complutense (Central University) of Madrid, Spain; and a Master in Business Administration (MBA) at the Catholic Institute of Business Administration (I.C.A.D.E.) also in Madrid. Due to my great interest in the culinary arts, I am in possession a Mas...


I'm in possession of a Master in Business Administration (MBA) at the Catholic Institute of Business Administration (I.C.A.D.E.) in Madrid, Spain. I am also specialized in Spanish Tax Law. In my capacity as counselor and consultant, I have occupied Senior Financial positions and have been a Member of the Board (Tax and Financial Counselor and Secretary) in major companies. My lessons are only in Spanish language. A typical lesson will comprise of theory and practical exercises.




Managerial Accounting

Financial Accounting