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Hola I will be glad to teach you my wonderful language..Spanish!

I really love to teach my language because since I was a child I knew this will be my career...teaching! I am very organized, respectful, and motivated person, so when I teach Spanish I prepare funny, short and interesting lessons to motivate my students to reach their goals. I know that to learn a new language is not easy, but if the student finds a good reason and is correctly motivated, I am sure he or she is going to be successful. I have a Master's Degree in Spanish language and I ...


Oshmita G. from Pompano Beach, FL

She taught my daughter the basic grammer of Spanish like tener ser and estar. She also taught her the different way of saying Lugar. The session went great and my daughter understood very well. If your looking for a tutor I recommend her, she will teach you what you need to in the most easiest way possible.