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Enthusiastic Educator with Twenty Years Classroom Experience

Parents and Students, I love teaching!! For the past twenty years, I have had the privilege of helping thousands of young people, from all backgrounds, reach beyond their grasp. I believe in teaching the student, not the subject. A true learning experience is the result of individual growth, which can sometimes be challenging. To achieve a successful, structured education, I believe in building a foundation of core competencies and a scaffold of new knowledge and skills. My toolbox is...

American history







world history


SAT reading

SAT writing

ACT Reading

ACT English


Kelly A. from Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

Just had the first lesson and that went fantastic. My daughter really likes Larry. He is easy to work with and explains things in a way that makes sense to her. She came home from the first lesson really excited about how it went and what she learned and, even more importantly, excited about the next lesson. Another great session. Larry is a wonderful teacher. I believe no matter what your child's needs are, Larry can help. He has a wonderful ability to connect with students, and truly seems to have a passion for teaching. Looking forward to the next lesson. Just had the 4th lesson and my daughter is seeing marked improvements in her practice test scores. On tonight's test, she missed only got one question wrong. Although we started tutoring to improve her ACT scores, I am also seeing an over all improvement in my daughter's writing skills. The last paper I reviewed for her, I saw an improvement in her grammar, vocabulary, and tense usage.