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Innovative & Prescriptive Based Certified Public School Teacher

No two students have exactly the same skills or learning style. That’s why I create an individual learning plan for every child. Your plan will combine direct instruction with one-on-one tutoring in a way that works for your student. Parents can choose weekly or monthly data meetings to review individualized progress. During the initial meeting, an individualized assessment will be administered to identify an individual's specific strengths and weaknesses. The results of the assessment will b...


As a Special Education Teacher, I have a Bachelor's Degree in Special Education and a Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction. In addition to this coursework, I have had Specialist Coursework in the area of Behavior Analysis. With the Behavior Analysis Coursework, I have worked with students with Attention Deficit Disorder, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. In addition to working in core content subjects I employ strategies with these students to include study skills, self-monitoring, and goal setting strategies. I employ behavior techniques such as individualized reinforcement systems and behavior plans to increase student attention. I have also completed a 1500 Supervised Behavior Supervision Internship where I trained under Behavior Therapists in the clinic setting.


The number of students diagnosed with Autism has increased over the years. Over the course of my career, I have taught students who have Autism and have worked with children who have Autism in the clinical setting. I have experience working with children with Autism from ages 2-16 in both the classroom setting, social setting, and vocational setting. As part of my clinical experience, I completed 5 Specialist Courses in Behavior Analysis which allowed for me to complete 1500 Hours of Supervised Behavior Therapy. With this training I increased my ability to create Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Improvement Plans. I have also been trained in Discrete Trials and methods like errorless teaching and prompt fading. With older students I incorporate techniques such as visual schedules, target protocols to teach skills in acquisition, and reintroduce previously mastered skills. I have been trained in many commercial assessments that serve as progress monitoring programs for children with Autism.

elementary (k-6th)

elementary math

elementary science




special needs

study skills




Luci F. from Saint Augustine, FL

Tiffany is amazing with my daughter. She is patient, clear and flexible with her. My daughter looks forwards to meeting with Tiffany.

Marissa S. from Jacksonville, FL

I'm very excited to see the great progress my son has made in such a short period that he's been tutoring with Tiffany.

Francis S. from Jacksonville, FL

Tiffany helped my child bring her grade up from low F to a mid C in 7 grade math. I truly appreciate Tiffany's skill and affordable fee which made it possible. Many thanks Tiffany. You are a gem amongst the pebbles.

Julia L. from Ponte Vedra, FL

My son really enjoys his lessons with Tiffany, and I am also learning lots of hints and tips on when we do reading and recall at home. I would highly recommend Tiffany.

Angela P. from Jacksonville, FL

After only two lessons, I can see an improvement in my son's confidence and reading! Tiffany is a great teacher. She is very good at pinpointing strengths and weaknesses. My son looks forward to her lessons each week.