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Assisting Special Needs students to learn with less stress!

I'm excited to be of service to students with Learning Differences! I don't call them disabilities because I am recovering from them myself, and I developed the program I teach because it has helped me and other students I teach! I am an Educator with a BA in Elementary Education, a Flutist, Certified Music Practitioner (therapeutic musician), Health Rhythms Drum facilitator, and Color therapy Facilitator. I have combined these disciplines into a unique, one of a kind teaching format to hel...



general music


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)


I have received grants from VSA (Very Special Arts of Florida) to work with students in a Behavioral Health Hospital setting whose diagnosis was ADD/ADHD. As I was an employee with this hospital system, my program was implemented on a regular basis after the grant was completed. I performed one-on-one Therapeutic music with color therapy and Brain gym exercises. There is evidence that these modalities promote brain stimulation. My groups consisted of Character Building Drum Rhythms, brain gym and group color therapy with live therapeutic music I played on my flute, Native American & Silver Alto. It is a known fact that Live therapeutic music equalizes brain waves. It is also known that Brain-imaging studies have shown that music is processed in large-scale networks throughout both brain hemispheres, activating areas responsible for language, listening, motor skills, memory and creativity, among others. Research has also demonstrated that the physical transmission of rhythmic energy to the brain synchronizes the 2 brain hemispheres. The right side for creative subjects, such as art, music, drama, cooking and more. While stimulation of the left side promotes logical number sequences, science, math and analysis. Drumming accesses the whole brain! Just the sound of drumming generates dynamic neuronal connections in all parts of the brain even where there is damage such as ADD. In regards to color therapy, there was a study conducted in the Portland, Oregon area. Children with learning disabilities were treated with 2 specific colors, used as a sensory stimulant. After 16 treatments, their field of vision which previously was narrower than normal, (common in these types of patients) was then found to be near normal. Improvement was noted in behavior, reading ability, length of attentiion span and athletic ability. I personally have used this combination of modalities to help my own Dyslexia, ADD and Brain injuries, as well as being an Educator who understands and works with children through adults with varying levels of Brain imbalance, such as ADD/ADHD. Many of these students enjoy also playingthe flute, a wind instrument as deep breathing promotes less stress.


As an Educator BA, Therapeutic musician (Certified Music Practitioner) I have worked with many Autistic students. Some of the students are on a very high level, while others are in the 10th grade but functioning on the level of a fourth grade student, at best. I enjoy these students because they don't operate out of character vices, they really can't relate to such behavior. The Autistic students I have received grants to work with respond first to hearing me play my flutes with the Oceon Drum, a soothing relaxing sound of waves. Over the top of that I play my Silver Alto flute, Pan flute or Native American flute. I do a few brain gym movements with them using a colored stage lamp or scarves depending on the situation. Through my methods of drumming, I have seen a group play together with fairly even beats! Even complicated rhythms are learned and committed to memory as I use the say it and play it method. The color therapy works very well with these students, giving them a calming and soothing experience. Studies have confirmed the positive effects of using color gels, glasses and even lighting to stimulate and relax the brain. During the "Say it & Play it" drum time, these students are learning how to spell words using the drum, as well as counting while playing the instrument. Not only are there studies to confirm what I have used on myself and other students, I have witnessed a non verbal student speak clearly to the other members of the group. That same student was also able to play the Recorder, (flute like instrument as an improvisation, while his classmates were playing the hand drums! Now, one-on-one I have used my "Lu'Musik" method. That is a combination of color therapy and Live therapeutic music played by me. It is very effective and especially when the person is well hydrated. (Drinking enough pure water) One's brain needs lots of water to function well. Using the word Courage, its demonstrated as a 6 beat rhythm and is learned by spelling it out in a certain pattern. It is true, that these students shine in other subjects while learning in such a creative manner. The sound of the drum does resonate in both sides of the brain! The right side of the brain is for the creative subjects Art, Music, Drama and cooking to name a few. But it takes both sides! The left side is for words, numbers, logical and linear thinking. The students spell out words like "Responsibility," a 7 beat pattern. There are many other words they can learn to spell along with short sentences that fit into a rhythm. Usually the Autistic student is very right brained and has the potential to be very creative! All one needs is a chance to shine! I do give these students a chance to do just that. Either in a group or one on one, I joyfully give my best to make a difference! I look forward to serving you and your family! Cheryl
