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Graphic Designer, Webmaster, WordPress Expert

Since leaving the Coast Guard in 1994, I have been an engineer, real estate agent, graphic designer and web designer. Currently, I freelance as a graphic designer and web designer. I've used computers since 1985, and I am very proficient with Microsoft Office Programs, in particular MS Word and MS Excel which I have been using since it was created in the mid 1980s. I used AutoCAD as an engineer from 1994 - 2003. In the late 1990s I started doing graphic design as a side business using Jasc Pa...

web design

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Illustrator

general computer

I've been using computers since college in the late 1980s. As a junior engineer, I was not allowed to use the administrative assistant in the engineering firm as much as senior engineers so I started teaching myself. I have above average skills in Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Word. I've taught myself how to use dozens of programs and am comfortable with computer maintenance.