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English and Writing Tutor

I became a tutor a little ove four years ago. I didn't start off as many did, through an agency. I couldn't afford my college education and education meant everything to me. No one in my family had ever been to college except for me. So it was more important to me to finish than anything else in life. I worked two jobs while going full-time to school and it was never easy, but it was always worth it. I enjoy learning and I enjoy using my time beneficially. A friend of mine knew of someone...







special needs

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)


For 4 years I've been tutoring & home school teaching special education children & regular ed. I have my Bachelors & am going to graduate school at Marywood for my teacher's certification. I am currently a TSS worker; I work with children with autism in the school & home environment.

elementary math