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STEM + Programming Tutor with a PhD

I earned my Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech. I love the STEM subjects and my goal is to inspire you to gain an appreciation of these subjects - without getting overwhelmed. My tutoring is first focused on me. I try to understand a few things first. Specifically I would like to: 1. Understand where you are - relative to your goals. That is, are you just stuck on a topic, or the equations scare you always, or the perennial question: "why am i learning all this"?...

ACT Math

algebra 1

algebra 2



computer engineering

computer programming

electrical engineering








SAT math

Visual Basic

web design

Mary B. from Boca Raton, FL

Irtaza is a great tutor!. I am a very busy mom going back to school after many years. I was looking for a tutor who could patiently teach me PHP, and be flexible with the schedule, as I have to find time to study in the middle of my busy schedule. Irtaza was available and worked around my schedule patiently. The online tutoring session was excellent. I learned a lot in one session. He was very clear and he also made sure that I understood the concepts well before moving on to the next point. Very nice and very knowledgeable. I highly recommend him!