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Creative, Patient, and Effective Art Tutor

I have been creating art for 17 years and enjoy teaching my knowledge to others. I enjoy showing people that anyone can be creative and creativity is accessible to everyone. I have learned many art techniques and have experience in many art mediums. Pencil, watercolor, acrylic, markers, Adobe Illustrator and other various mediums are my strong suit. I also have over 10 years of various writing experience and many skills to share to help others create exceptional papers. My instructional sty...

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

art history

Art Theory


elementary math

elementary science


general computer







world history


Kyra J. from Scarborough, ME

Latasha is a wonderful art teacher! She is compassionate, patient, friendly and fun. She is teaching my daughter new skills, but she is also "drawing out" and honing the creativity that is innate inside of her. She honors and enhances my daughter's natural gifts. She is a real blessing!!

Elizabeth W. from Atlanta, GA

Latasha made sure that she reviewed my goals for Adobe Illustrator before we even opened the laptop. She began the lesson with the very basics, making sure that I understood every step we made, was so extremely patient (which can be so intimidating for me when I am learning something new!) and sent me homework to complete before our next session. I feel that with Latasha's help I will have Adobe Illustrator conquered soon!