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Daniela- CELTA certified ESL (English as a Second Language) Tutor

Growing up trilingual (fluent in German, Swiss German and English) and having lived in 3 different countries in my life, but primarily growing up in the U.S., has instilled in me a love, curiosity and passion for languages, people of different nationalities and of course teaching. As well as the internationally recognized University of Cambridge based CELTA (Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults) certificate, I have 7 years experience teaching ESL (English as a Second Language) ...



Ann A. from Atlanta, GA

Daniela is a very nice young woman. She is always on time, she is very helpful, and we are accomplishing exactly what I had hoped. We finished the German biography of a famous artist that I wanted to read. Now we are working on some reviews of him that are a little more difficult, but we are still fulfilling my mission.