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Physics and Math Tutoring for High School and College Students

Tutoring is as much about the student as about the subject and this is why it can be particularly successful. In a face-to-face learning situation the tutor can usually determine the challenges that the student encounters that might not be dealt with the classroom. The goal is to develop the tools for mastering the school subject at hand and to become an independent learner. These tools include self confidence, study skills, focus and motivation. A tutor strongly encourages active learning f...

algebra 1



SAT math


Sherri R. from Atlanta, GA

Allen has been tutoring my son in math for a few sessions and I can already see a big improvement. And not just in grades. Allen has helped my son see that he's smarter than he thinks he is in math. My son had pretty much given up but Allen has him back on track with renewed confidence. Allen came in and immediately related to my son by talking basketball--my son's favorite pastime. This made a connection right away and set the tone for their relationship. I highly recommend Allen for math tutoring.

William E. from Decatur, GA

Dr. G is an excellent tutor, and his sessions are always helpful. You can tell he loves to teach, and the fact he has a PhD illustrates he has mastery of the material. He is patient and kind, although he won't hesitate to let you know when you are going about problems the wrong way either. He also has an excellent sense of humor, so working with him is always a pleasure.

CeWyon C. from Lithonia, GA

My daughter had her first session with Dr. G yesterday. She reports that she learned more from him in that time than she'd learned in her HS physics class all week (at a very rigorous prep school). This comes as no surprise because Dr. G's credentials are quite impressive: he's taught at several, prestigious, research universities. I am most impressed, however, with how personable and patient he is with my daughter. Sometimes, extremely accomplished tutors, such as he, can be impatient and, well...condescending; especially when the student is struggling to grasp a concept. Even their body language screams, "Why aren't you getting this?" We know FIRST-HAND, having experienced it twice in our quest for a physics and higher level math tutor. Thankfully, Dr. G IS NOTHING LIKE THAT!!! I was quite pleased when, after the session, my daughter exclaimed, "He's excellent; really explains things well..and, he's soooo patient!!!" I'm confident that Dr. G. will help our daughter overcome her fear of challenging science courses and hopefully, regain her love of the science discipline. Dr. G CERTAINLY LOVES IT, AND IT SHOWS. I do believe, as his wife says, "he would do this for free." And, frankly, he really could charge triple the hourly rate that he does. I am happy that has chosen not to do so and grateful to have found him. I highly recommend this tutor!!

Robert P. from Atlanta, GA

I just had three short days to prepare for my final and Allen came through. He was prompt for our meeting, and during the session we covered a ton of info. Needless to say I will be seeing him again, again, and again.

Alisa H. from Atlanta, GA

My son is taking a compressed 6 week precalculus course online. Allen has been able to make the material more understandable and has given my son confidence.

Pam S. from Atlanta, GA

Allen helped my son to understand college algebra and pass the course. My son was very reluctant to work with a tutor but Allen resolved those fears quickly. My son even asked to schedule a second session because Allen was able to help explain math in ways that my son could understand. I would absolutely recommend Allen.

Anne B. from Atlanta, GA

He really helped with understanding and confidence in calculus. Helped me to think through steps to get to the answer. I also had him tutor me for AP Physics last year and made an A in the class.