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Personalized Tutoring to Meet Your Specific Needs

I've taught and tutored a wide variety of subjects over my career, with a range of students from college to preschool. I've enjoyed it all! While my experience includes most grade school and high school subjects, primarily it was focused on math on a high school and early college level (mostly algebra), and math and reading/phonics on the grade school level. For 10 years I directed a summer math camp that I began to help motivate students to grasp math concepts that would prepare them fo...


elementary (k-6th)


elementary math




algebra 1

Brigitte C. from Woodstock, GA

9/14/2014 My son needed a tutor after struggling on his last two tests. We have met Kim twice so far, and she has been exactly what we were looking for. She is sweet, patient, and fun. My son loves her already and doesn't mind tutoring time. She finds simple ways to explain things and reviews until he understands the concept. I highly recommend. I wanted to add an update 3/31/2015: After working with Ms. Kim for a couple of months, my son got an A on his report card in Math for the first time ever! He has always gotten A on all of his classes, except for math. Now, thanks to Ms. Kim, he got a special certificate and breakfast for the 'A students.' He was so happy! I have to thank Ms. Kim for having the patience to teach a young boy math and making it fun and engaging. Thank you!!

Terri H. from Alpharetta, GA

Ayden is learning, and really likes Miss Kim. He talks about her all the time. Ayden said he wants to learn to write more and better. He is very proud of what he can write so far, he loves praise and he knows when he doesn't do something correctly. Thank you for encouraging him and helping him learn about honesty.

Kourtney M. from Canton, GA

Kim is such a sweet, wonderful person. I could not do the things my children are learning and the way they are teaching them. It is so different than the way I was taught (not to mention forgotten). Kim brings new ways to teach, my children are never bored. It feels like playing games. They have a great time and learn A LOT. Thank you Kim!!! My children had a hard week this week catching up with a week off. Kim not only caught them up, but also got them a little ahead. The skills they are learning will stay with them forever. She is also letting me watch so I can help. (Yes, I am old school). Thank you Kim!!!