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HS English and ACT Prep Tutor

Do you want to increase your ACT English, Reading or Writing score? Do you need help writing that paper for English class? Are you reading a book for English that you are having trouble understanding? Do you need help mastering grammar? If you answered yes to any of these questions, I am here to help! I have ten years of experience as a high school English teacher. I received my Bachelors degree in English from Illinois State University in 2003. Since then I have acquired two Master's deg...

ACT English

ACT Reading








Sterling M. from Homer Glen, IL

My sophomore student felt very good about Kelly. She offered some very helpful hints with identifying grammar questions. Looking forward to next meeting.

Nancy P. from Frankfort, IL

My daughter was very pleased with Kelly and finished the session with a smile. She finished two lessons and felt very good with her success. She enjoyed Kelly and wants her to continue to work with her to complete this course. Thank you Kelly!