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"Passionate, professional and knowledgeable" Voice Teacher

Wendy brings many years of experience as a singer/songwriter and actor to her voice and acting students. She has a B.F.A. in Theater/Voice from The University of Kansas and an M.A. in Interdisciplinary Arts from Columbia College Chicago. She teaches private and group lessons, out of her home studio in Chicago and also for Virtuoso Performing Arts in Niles. Wendy currently performs with her husband in their roots band The Red Apples and is developing a vocal performance workshop that will deb...

general music

music theory


Wendy has been acting in the Chicago area for many years, and now coaches acting privately as well as conducting occasional workshops. She has a B.F.A. in Theater/Voice from The University of Kansas and an M.A. in Interdisciplinary Arts from Columbia College Chicago. Wendy also teaches acting at Virtuoso Performing Arts in Niles. Wendy participated in a year long residency workshop with Z. Cynkutis of Grotowski’s Teatr Laboratorium, before coming to Chicago where she studied Meisner technique for several years with Kyle Donnelly and Eileen Vorbach at The Actor’s Center. She has appeared in many productions in the Chicago area including Court Theater, Victory Gardens, National Jewish Theater, Bailiwick Theater, and Prop Theater. Some of her favorite roles include Eliza in My Fair Lady at Vassar Playhouse, The Countess in The Lulu Sex Tragedies at Prop Theater, and Clover in Animal Farm, (the original Jeff award winning production at Bailwick Repertory). Wendy combines elements from her Grotowski, Stanislavski, and Meisner training as well as Alexander technique, Linklater and other improvisational work to create a uniquely disciplined yet creative approach to acting and theater. She is a nurturing and effective instructor who is excellent at helping actors and singers break through blocks and bad habits, replacing them with dynamic and expressive skills as a performer.

voice (music)
