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College Math Instructor, also Tutors

After so many years of teaching and tutoring, I have discovered the questions students ask the most, the skills students lack the most, and smooth, easy-to-remember ways to explain math. You can get everything YOU need by allowing me to be your mathematics tutor! I been tutoring for about 10 years, and I teach in the (college) classroom as well. I taught honors Algebra 2/trig for high school students thru College of Dupage for 7 years, high school algebra full time for 2 years, algebra and ...

ACT Math

ACT Science

algebra 1

algebra 2







Elizabeth H. from Naperville, IL

I was looking for a tutor for my sophomore daughter, who was struggling in Algebra 2. Laura S. was able to meet her within a day and stayed an extra half hour to help my daughter with areas of need. My daughter worked very well with Laura and felt she answered her questions and was very encouraging. My daughter has had several tutors in the past that did not work out so I am impressed that she took to Laura right away and wants to continue meeting with her.

Arthur S. from Naperville, IL

My son had Pre-Calc tutoring for one hour, and was happy with Laura's teaching style. He learned some things he could not understand, plus she showed him some easier way to solve a problem they did not teach him at high school. Thank you Laura!