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Rachael E. Certified Special Education Teacher

My love for teaching comes from my lifelong love of learning. I know that hard work and dedication to learning pays off. I have been in education for 12 years and have had the pleasure to work with hundreds of students. I have helped those students realize their own potential as well as to see their grades and self-esteem improve. I believe that all students can learn, they just learn in different ways and differently every day. My degree from Grand Canyon University is in Elementary Educ...


I raised two boys with ADHD and have taught many students with ADD/ADHD. My educational background is in Special Education and I current teach students with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities. Students with ADD/ADHD require movement breaks and hands on learning activities to remain engaged in the learning. In addition, to frequent breaks and lots of encouragement.


I have experience with PECS, Positive Behavioral Supports, non-verbal reinforcements, Verbal behavior (VB), Training and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH), Discrete Trail Teaching (DTT) and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).


My educational background is in Special Education and I current teach students with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities. I have many years of experience working with children with ASD. I have experience with PECS, Positive Behavioral Supports, non-verbal reinforcements, Verbal behavior (VB), Training and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH), Discrete Trail Teaching (DTT) and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). In addition, some of the strategies that I use when working with children with ASD are: role playing to teach social skills, visual schedules, sensory breaks, first/then task strips, positive reinforcements, variety of stimuli and setting in lessons to assist in generalization of skills, allow "wait" time for responses, and maintaining realistic expectations and offer choices when possible as well as remaining consistent.

elementary (k-6th)

elementary math

elementary science



special needs

study skills


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)